Sunday, January 09, 2005


Roughly a week and a half ago, I joined the blog traffic exchange known as BlogExplosion. Ninety-seven percent of the people reading this are reading it because of BlogExplosion. For the other three percent, hears your chance to hear about it in a way that will hopefully not bore you as much as Garden State bored my boyfriend.

BlogExplosion is like blogger crack. The more member sites you visit, the more members are sent to your blog. It promises hits and, unlike BlogSnob, it delivers. (Oh the wasted months of stupid BlogSnob ads.) I've noticed several on the BE experience which prodded me to consider the BE influence.

  1. 30 seconds. For the non-BE crowd, this is the amount of time a member must be at the site to receive credit for being there. I've heard it said, and I have to agree, sometimes it is the longest 30 seconds you've experienced online. But if the writing is less than ideal, there are always the design and links to check out. As a blogger, I find the 30 seconds to be good. Every entry needs to be good (or at least start good) because it may be the only chance you get.
  2. I am a lazy member of the blogosphere. There, I said it. Happy? When I first started this blog, I was very into checking out other blogs, but once I started working again, it was enough to keep up on my own blog and my favorites. I stopped getting to know the neighbors. Now I check out other blogs (and am constantly reminded of my need to learn some code to move beyond the template.) Heck, I even post comments occasionally in recognition that blogging is about the sharing of ideas.
  3. It affects the way you write, for better or for worse. Whether it's the 30 seconds or the knowledge that people other than friends and family are reading your blog, you can't help but be aware of others checking out your blog. For example, I have found out that I have a good Catholic teenager reading my blog (Hi James!) who I'm convinced doesn't realize I'm a lapsed Catholic liberal. I full expect him to drop me like the 3 lbs. I've lost this year (let's hear it for that resolution still in place). For his sake, I will swear less often. I have also discovered that almost no one in the Eastern time zone reads my blog, except for Eric in New Jersey who makes me feel young. I am deeply wounded by the lack of East Coast love for my own affection for the Atlantic coast goes unrequited. I have also discovered that there are Texas women who find me amusing. I encourage Molly Ivins to join their numbers.

So yes, I am a BlogExplosion brown noser. Be gentle.


Jen said...

Hey there ... Garden State was my fave movie from last year. Luckily my fiance loved it just as much as me and now we own the DVD.

Eric Wormann said...

The rest of the east coast doesn't know what they're missing.

Tito said...

Out here in Massachusetts - love your blog!

joy said...

and here's hello from Delaware. *grin*

Anonymous said...

I'm from Texas and enjoyed your blog. For some reason, I'm popular with Canadians and people from England. Weird.