Saturday, March 19, 2005

Looks Like We Made It After All

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Okay, it's not actually my birthday, but it is the one year anniversary of Misc Karen. Check out the oh so meager beginnings
here. It's so awful that the only reason that I can think of for pointing it out is so you can see the improvement.

This week got off to a terrible start on Monday with the automotive breakdown in rush hour traffic (my vehicle is still in the shop). Tuesday, the b/f's computer went kaput which effectively put my plans for the blog this week on hold. My dialup connection isn't so hot and it makes me pine for his dsl.

I couldn't let this day go in silence however. I thought it might be nice to note some of my favorite posts for the past year (feel free to link to any you liked in the comments.)

1. Misc Karen Goes Political (to no avail)
2. Misc Karen Develops a Readership at the USDOJ
3. Okay, I spend what felt like hours on my dial up connection trying to find my post about helping my mom computer shop. I loved how my claws came out in my mother's interest.
4. Just Reading This Takes Me Back
5. Misc Karen Is Not Blinded by Love


Jay Bullock said...

Duh nuh nuh nuh nu-NUH
You say it's your birthday!
Duh nuh nuh nuh nu-NUH
It's my birthday too, yeah!

And so on.

Tara Alton said...

Happy Birthday to Misc Karen!!!