Thursday, April 15, 2004

A Big Wave to the MiscKaren Fan Club

I'm so excited. I have shown up on someone's radar. Last night, I was checking my stats on the site meter account I have for this site. I strolled over to the details of who was visitting, and there it was. Two page views for a total of 15 seconds from

I was stunned. Apparently someone in the federal government cares about me. I'll admit. My initial thought was, "Wow, big brother!" Upon further reflection, it was probably a bot just checking every page that mentions Bush. However, another hit from them this morning has me preferring to think the unlikely, I've got a fan at the U.S. Dept. of Justice.

So who could it be? I like to think it's some lowly grunt in the trenches with liberal tendencies. Until I have further information, I am dubbing the entire department the MiscKaren Fan Club with Attorney General John Ashcroft the honorary club president. (I wouldn't want to make him run for it because he doesn't do well with elections.)

So to John and his comrades I send a big hello and my sincere gratitude for their devotion to my site.

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