Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I hate to write again on politics so soon after my letter to Sen. Kerry, but I follow the news. As a result, I get quite passionate about the things I hear.

Before I go on to the subject of my wrath this time, I feel it is really important to say something about Iraq. It was a HUGE mistake. Granted I was saying this before we even sent troops, but the drastic increase in instability in the region only affirms it for me. Ignoring questions on the principle of war, the pragmatics of it would dictate that we have better long term plans for our involvement in the region.

On to the cause of my wrath. I was reading about corporate taxes. The line in particular was, "President Bush's budget forecasts corporations will pay $168.7 billion in income taxes in 2004 compared with $765.4 billion paid by individuals." It's one thing to be pro-business, but the sheer number of tax credits and and other incentives offered to businesses is ridiculous. I don't want to hear another Republican say that taxes are too high and that we have to do more to promote businesses. I'm more than happy to pay my taxes and I expect corporate citizens to do their share.

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