Friday, May 28, 2004

What Feels Like the Day After the Movie

The b/f and I just got back from the film, The Day After Tomorrow, a film whose premise is that global warming leads to ecological disaster.

I must start with the pre-movie. I have a huge pet peeve about people being rude and unruly at movie theatres. Being from the Midwest, almost anything qualifies. Usually teenagers and the ever-annoying "tween" (even the term is annoying) get on my nerves by loudly talking pre-movie. But, you may ask, why complain when the movie hasn't started. Because me and my companion(s) speak quietly, allowing everyone else around to comfortably conduct their own quiet conversations.

Lately, the subject of my annoyance is the "complainer." At a recent outdoor concert, the annoyances merged in a trio of teens who had snide comments about everyone around them, including the performers. Tonight, it took the form of the twentysomething woman sitting next to me.

It started during "The Twenty." (For those who don't have "The Twenty" in their area, "The Twenty" is 20 minutes of slickly produced entertainment "news" programming that airs before the twenty minutes of trailers that airs before the movie.) She started with snide political comments during the spot on the new TNT drama about counter-terrorism. I found myself thinking, "Wow. I could actually have intellectually stimulating, ranting conversation about politics with this woman."

I contemplated making an affirming side remark completed with an imagined scenario of us having a pleasant, thought-provoking exchange. Then I had 2 other thoughts: 1) I'm not in the Midwest anymore. I can no longer strike up conversations with strangers. 2) She'll probably just be rude to me. So I kept quiet which proved to be a wise decision because...

1) She started complaining to her companion about how the two guys in front of us were taking an extra seat between them for their food and personal items, which only affirmed...

2) While she was saying many of the things I was thinking, I had the good sense and common sense to keep these thoughts to myself. No one wants to hear a bunch of whining when they go out for an evening of movie entertainment. That's what blogs are for.

Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll actually get around to sharing my thoughts on the movie.

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