Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Tired, Warm Fuzzies

Oh, me so sleepy, I sleep a long time.

Turns out I had the stomach flu. One of my new co-workers was out sick yesterday with all the same symptoms. We even had similar pounding headaches this morning. We felt equally crappy at work too.

Work. I have a job. Granted, it's not a great job and with my degrees, I could do a lot better. But it's a job and soon I will have a paycheck. Next month's bills will not be paid out of my dwindling savings. The thought brings a smile to my face. But by day's end, I was exhausted. Not only was I working all day, the first day in over 5 months, but it was on the tail end of the flu.

I barely had the energy for websurfing. I'm glad that I at least swung by the blog as apparently someone else has linked to me too. I've got readers. Readers give me the strength to write when I'm pooped. Also, I have a ton of respect for those who update frequently even with busy lives.

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