Monday, May 24, 2004

Tonight's Safety Lesson

If you should spot a cat on the floor, getting ready to play with a plastic bag, do not sneak up on it in a crouching position with the intent of picking it up. I tried. The results, albeit humorous, were not pleasant.

The cat jumped. Unfortunately, I was pretty stealth and my face was about 4-5 inches above said cat. Far enough for him to build some speed, close enough to feel the full force. He hit me in the face making contact from nose to chin. My nose is still tender and my buckteeth ache. Tylenol has been consumed.

The cat clawed. My arm has a little momento.

The cat is already napping. He is little concerned about the incident.

I am fuming, both at him and my own stupidity. Next time, I will startle him from a distance.

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