It was one of those days. Fellow office worker went home with the stomach flu. This is her second round. Both of her sons have had a second round. I'm waiting for mine. I've been taking lots of Tylenol (though not more than recommended.) In the meantime, lots of work for me.
I later went down the way to use the restroom only to discover that it was flooded due to a sewage back up. Imagine the smell. Imagine my response considering I'm already feeling questionable and worried that I might come down with another round of the stomach flu. I shut myself away in my office trying not to think of the smell creeping in as workers came in to fix the situation.
I couldn't help but think of the funniest line from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, a technicality as it is the only funny line in the movie.
On the brightside, I got my first paycheck.
On the disappointing side, the bank was closed so I will have to wait until tomorrow to open my California bank account and get some cash. Ooooooh, cash. Cash=Krispy Kreme. Hmmmmmm.
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