For those unfamiliar with the term "blogroll," bloggers frequently will have a list of other weblogs for their own readers to check out. This list is called a blogroll. For the first time ever, I've been listed on someone's blogroll. Well, more specifically, it is The Rant King to whom I am indebted. So thank you oh Rant King, whoever you might be. Maybe I'll send an e-mail to say "Hi!" and "Thanks!"
The way I found out that I had been linked his site was when I noticed on my own blog this evening that I am a Wiggly Worm in the TTLB Ecosystem. You can see this on the right hand margin of my blog (or perhaps I am an even a more evolved lifeform by the time you read this.) The folks at The Truth Laid Bear have created a system that pretty much pertains to the "ecosystem" of personal sites and blogs. You can register you site with them and they will moniter how many people link to your site, thereby establishing your rank in the ecosystem. They even provide the code for you to simply insert on your site to show your ranking. It even updates itself. Cool, huh? So thanks to the "bear" for providing this free service.
I could right a lot more about this weekend, but, well, I might be starting my new job tomorrow. (It depends on whether the paperwork has gone through that would make the job officially mine. But they were hoping I could start tomorrow. I'm going in on the off-chance that it is done. Otherwise, it is another day of unemployment until I find out that I have the all clear.) For those really curious, my weekend was far more exciting. Probably too exciting for me. Tune in tomorrow for The NASCAR Weekend from Hell.
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