I was in the midst of making some smore goodness this evening when my boyfriend came into the kitchen. Damn our small kitchen. I turn quickly to get out of the way and bam my left foot connected with the old, very heavy sewing machine on the floor.
Instant pain. I finish making my smore because smores rock, and then recline to bed with an ice pack and the middle toe on my left foot swelling and turning black and blue. The range of motion seems to indicate that it's not broken, but, yowsa, it hurts. So I rested it and ice it off and on for the bulk of the even.
Later, I hobbled to the kitchen to pour myself a drink (I caved and bought some raspberry Diet Rite today.) As I opened the freezer door, an open bag of sugar (normally I would just keep it in the freezer to make sure it doesn't attract bugs) falls from the top of the fridge forcing me to jump out of the way to keep it from landing on my injured toe.
I confirmed my suspicion that when the b/f made Kool-Aid earlier, he left the sugar on the fridge. "We'll need to vacuum that up tonight." he calls from his computer. Yet he makes no move to do anything about it.
I hobbled to the cluttered back porch to get the vacuum. Vacuum in hand, I turned and headed back to the kitchen when my injured toe just barely manages to catch on the newly acquired bag of cat food.
Despite it being a rather mild encounter, my toe begins to throb with pain that makes me want to curse excessively. I hobbled to the kitchen where I deposit the vacuum, announcing to the b/f my latest injury and informing him that it will be his job to vacuum up the sugar. I then made for the bed where my ice pack waited for me.
Once my toe was feeling better, albeit still very discolored and sore, I made for the computer to blog. The b/f then informed me that the sugar would have to wait until morning. Grrrrr. His behavior led to 2 of my 3 d'oh's tonight and he at least could have cleaned up the mess. I refuse because I know a fourth d'oh awaits me if I attempt it.
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