Friday, October 08, 2004

When Not to Shop at a Small Local Business

I'm all for shopping at local businesses, especially when my hometown is down to one grocery store. The next closest place to do grocery shopping is at a Super Wal-Mart in a town 30 minutes away (they have lost all their other grocers.)

One of the things that has helped this particular grocery store is their movie rental department, it too being the only place to rent a movie in town. So Tuesday morning my mom called in to reserve a copy of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. When she later called to follow up on it, she found out that they weren't going to carry it, at all. Bear in mind, the movie didn't come to this small, Republican town's movie theaters either.

My mom, my brother, and myself are angry about this. They are all for boycotting this business because of management's decision not to give people an opportunity to decide for themselves whether to watch this movie. I'm encouraging my mom to write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper and to the owner. I think they need to feel it in their pocket to reconsider.

The toughest opponent my mom has in her boycott is my dad. He's a staunch supporter of local business. He refuses to shop elsewhere. So my mom informed him that Saturday when he goes to do the grocery store, he's going alone and without a list from her. He can "figure it out." I predict he spend a small fortune on crap they don't need.

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