Earlier this week, it was reported that at a baseball game (Texas Rangers I believe) that a man plowed over a 4 year-old boy in order to get to a fly ball that had landed in the stands.
I have seen the footage and it was quite sad. The boy was with his parents, and from what it looked like in the footage that I saw, the ball literally landed before their feet. Man sitting a few rows up and off to the side, leaps to his feet, practically diving to the family's seats, rudely shoving mother and son aside to get to the ball, which looked to have rolled under the mother's seat. He jumps back to his feet, the ball in his upraised arm, shoving the kid aside on his way back to his own seat. The picture of a the perfect jackass.
The fans booed, I am pleased to say. They even started a chant encouraging him to give to ball to the boy. The jerk remained in his seat, enjoying his drink, which I can only hope was beer and that his behavior could be attributed to alcohol and not his personality.
The family faired well. Players from both teams presented the boy with signed memorabilia. It was one of those moments that kind of redeems professional athletes. The family even got tickets to another game.
The jerk has yet to be identified.
As I watched the footage, one thing stood out to me. The jerk was accompanied by a woman who looked pissed and/or embarrassed by his behavior. I highly suspect it was his date. If the pair are not yet an item, I am convinced by the look on her face that they never will be.
If jerk man and his companion are actually an item, I have one thing to say, "Dump him. I beg of you, kick him to the curb. And when you do, don't be nice about it. Tell him it's because a jerk and that you have a stadium that can back you up on this one and even more tv viewers."
Jerk's companion, if you are his wife, I'm sorry. I hope he's not like that all of the time. If he is, please share his offenses with the rest of us. If that man is your spouse, make him miserable until he gets his act together. I know wives shouldn't have to be mothers, but sometimes corrective measures are in order and I suspect therapy won't help jerk man.
If he is your brother, than I'm sorry I suggested that you guys were an item. I've been asked if my brother is my husband, so I know how icky that is. If he's your brother, did he bully you a look when you were kids? How did you handle it? Maybe we should compare notes. If he is your brother, then I would recommend getting the whole family in on his punishment. Does he grill a lot, because if he does, the Kingsford might be out of the question for Christmas if he'd actually use it. Maybe you could force him to watch a screening of Garfield.
Is he redeeming himself because he wants to, or is the pressure of being a national embarrassment starting to get to him? If he didn't have the HEART to give the ball to the kid right then and there, well...
seen your blog on recently published so came and made a visit :) agree about that bloke being a jerk. stronger language could be applied i suppose
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