It's the only reason that I am getting all emotional about a summer vacation. Okay, maybe there's more to it than that.
The b/f and I have tentative plans to visit ND in either the summer or fall. He had even suggested that I could replace my class ring, which was lost in "the fire." I actually hopped onto the school website, and I became seriously choked up. I haven't been there since the day I graduated, and I cried when I left campus with my family.
The b/f is not versed in my ND history. He knows some of the names of my good friends, but he has no idea what my time there meant to me. He's excited at the thought of football. Those who know me know that football had nothing to do with my decision. He knows nothing of the beauty or history of campus. He can't imagine how hard most students there study on a regular basis. For him, it's "Touchdown Jesus" and now a piece of artwork that connects thousands of years of the pursuit of learning. The grotto would be lost to him. He is looking forward to walking around the lakes and feeding ducks.
I can close my eyes and I am walking around campus at night, on a study break. It just makes me that much more sad to think of all the photos I lost in the fire. I can take more, but they won't be the same. My friends won't be there, and I won't have anything to remind of whom I was back then.
Okay, I've got to grab some tissue and stop this.
Hormones do suck. Just think about your poor guy. His hormones make him think about sex every 6 seconds. Love extremely aggressive sports, activities, etc. and generally make decisions that in 20 years he will say, "What was I thinking?"
Loss is a bummer, but I am sure you will replace those things with others just as valuable.
I find that story hilarious. Now I wish I could see that wedding pic...hehe
Found u while surfing BE. I enjoyed reading here.
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