Saturday, March 04, 2006


I'm spending another Saturday night at home, when I know for a fact a bunch of co-workers are meeting up at a bar. It's not that I'm not invited (I was), I'm just really shy in social situations. It has gotten me to thinking how I haven't really made any new friends in roughly 5 years.

The most obvious reason is that I've lived in 7 cities in the past 10 years.

Growing up I was a nerd. I didn't relate well to my classmates and was painfully shy. I actually got along better with adults. Needless to say, this didn't do a lot for my social skills. It wasn't until my sophomore year of college that I developed my first quality friendships, ones that I still try to maintain. Since then, I've only made a few more close friends.

It's been 2 years since I lived in the same town as a good friend. It's tough when the friends you care for most live (with the exception of one) in different states. Thank goodness for unlimited long distance. The majority of them I haven't seen in over 5 years. I've been dating the b/f for over 3 years and he hasn't met my closest friends, and I feel he's missing a huge part of me for it.

It does leave me wondering, will I ever live somewhere long enough to grow roots and build new friendships where I live? I know people make friends and develop community online, but I miss sharing meals, drinks, laughter, tears, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder the same thing...

I have a few good friends back home in Florida. Then I made a couple of friends in Virginia. Now I'm at square one again in Philly.

I'd like to stick around for a while this time.