Thursday, March 02, 2006

Name That Computer

In honor of the changes being made over at BlogExplosion, I'm holding my own little contest.

In the past, I've gone through a few computers. There was Bertie, the slow little Frankenstein of a computer that a friend piecemealed together for me. There was Jeeves who I lost in the fire. On Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving,) I brought the newest and best computer yet, into my life. It's a great HP desktop, heavy on media utilities (it has card readers for everything and enough USB port to make a regular comp blush.) Nice, svelte flat panel monitor, stand metallic hue. What it does not have, is a name.

This is where you come in. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to name my computer. For the name I like best, the winner will receive 50 BlogExplosion credits (so make sure you provide your BE login, correctly please) and the satisfaction that with a name, my computer and I will finally be able to bond. Hopefully, I'll be able to name a winner on Sunday. Good luck.


Biognome said...

Hi Karen,
Might be time to give your PC a feminine name. I can understand Bertie for your first PC, as it was "piecemealed" together. Most of us guys dress the same way.
Your description of your PC makes me think of a sexy woman somehow, and I'm reminded of Number 6 on Battlestar Galactica. How about Tricia?

username: biognome

golfwidow said...

Does it have to be male?

'Cos I rather like the name "Madame Gasket" (from the movie Robots).

If you decide that's a keeper, my Blog Explosion username is Golfwidow, but if you decide it's not, I'll still like you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Stud to me.

My BE user name is mulligan. no caps.

JB Lazarte said...

Name it "Hal Two," baby, from Kubrick's 2001 Space Oddysey.

boyhowdy said...

Based on your existing theme, I think the best name would be Alfred.

boyhowdy said...

Oops -- forgot BE login before.

I go by jfarber over there.

Poppy B. said...

Let's see ... it's good looking, powerful, with extra abilities? And it's an HP? Then only one name will do: Harry Potter!

Matthew S. Urdan said...

If you like beautiful names, I think you should name your computer "Tuolumne". "Tuolumne" is a county in California that includes the northern half of Yosemite National Park. Tuolumne Meadows is the High Country of Yosemite that is only open between late May and October before the snows set in, and Ansel Adams has many famous photos from the area. The Tuolumne is also a river that originates at Mt. Dana--the highest point in Yosemite at over 13,000', travels through Tuolumne Meadows, down the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and then is dammed by Hetch Hetchy REservoir to provide drinking water for San Francisco. However, just downstream of the dam is Cherry Creek and the Main Tuolumne--two of the most challenging whitewater rafting runs in North America, and the Main Tuolumne is a perfect Class IV+ 3 Day Wilderness adventure in civilization's backyard just outside Yosemite National Park.

On my blog is a post about Meral's Pool, the point on the Tuolumne where the Class V+ Cherry Creek run ends and the easier Class IV+ Main Tuolumne begins.

You can find out about rafting the Tuolumne at and many fine picutres of the area at Ansel . One of my favorite is: It's of Tenaya Lake on the road from Yosemite Valley to Tuolumne Meadows.

So if you like beautiful places, The Tuolumne River Country is about as good as it gets, and it would be an awesome and worthy name for your computer.

Also, I wanted to say I love the design of your blog, and I was hoping you could forward the name of the designer to me. I'm trying to learn CSS to give my blog a design overhaul, and I would appreciate as much help as I could get.

Thanks, and good luck in naming your computer!

Matt Urdan

Anonymous said...

How about RAMmstein, Chip, or Gigalot?

Just my suggestions! If I do win, my BE name is snlash! :) Thanks and good luck!

Anonymous said...

super thanks to the credits.. did you like the suggested name? :)

Pause said...

How about Handy Dandy or just Handy dan for short, or Hand-D or Croaker. Yes, Croaker is a good name.