Friday, December 10, 2004

I Miss California?

Well, it's been pretty busy for a pretty dead time in my life.

The countdown to 30 has begun. Now that I am 29, the b/f takes great delight in reminding me that I am almost 30. My mom suggested that I remind him that I will get to draw retirement before him.

We also celebrated our 2 year anniversary. At a crappy Mexican restaurant. I had been craving Mexican for weeks, so it pained me. I kept pining for the place we went to in Cali, where we'd sit at the bar and have them make the guacamole fresh in front of us. At least the margarita was good, and big.

This week has primarily been occupied with the Great Piano Search of '04, the piano being a Christmas gift for the b/f's mom. I'm the one who has played piano so I go along for the ride to check the sound and ask maintenance questions. Luckily, the search is over.

On the productive front, I have gotten involved with the founding of an educational nonprofit, which means that I am finally putting my masters to use.

And on one final note, I love Monk Malloy now even more than I did as a student at ND. He has spoken out against the embarrassment that was the firing of Ty Willingham. I hope all the alums who called for Willingham's head are in a rage over the current shambles of the Notre Dame football program. Maybe they'll get so outraged they'll drop that they will drop all association with the university. Oooooh, now that would be a great Christmas gift.


J said...

New Mexico, right?

Karen said...

No. Sadly, New Mexico was where I was wrongly informed that the rear differential was going out on my Blazer when moving back to the Midwest from California.