Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Dear Karl,

As my brother prepares for active military service, I have one request. Don't ever talk to anyone in the press about my brother or anyone he serves with. How about not talking about the military in general. Your demonstrated lack of judgment makes it clear that you don't know how to keep a secret.


Misc Karen


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

From all I have read in the Readers Opinion of the New York Times to so many blogs, I truly feel sorry for Karl Rove.

Anonymous said...

That's your right, but I think it was wrong to go after a man's wife. I truly feel sorry for Mr. and Mrs joe Wilson. Rove is a very vindictive man. Must have been made fun of in school, the GEEK, and now he is getting vengence. A fine example of this administration's "christian leadership. Give me a break.

Karen said...

How can someone feel sorry for Karl Rove? He made his own bed. As for anonymous, you didn't get it. I think Rove is guilty, but rather than simply say that I think he's guilty, I told him to keep his mouth shut because his failure to do so is a threat to national security. It seems fairly obvious to me that a person shouldn't talk about anyone working for the CIA unless they are absolutely certain the person is NOT a secret operative. If you aren't sure, keep your mouth shut. Then again, I think he knew, and I think he was a snake long before this crap.

Dr. Forbush said...

Orikinla Osinachi,

How can you feel sorry for the man who was so intent on sending the US into Iraq that he wanted to discredit Joe Wilson by outing his wife? I know it sounds complicated, but if Joe Wilson was able to get his message out the truth about Iraq not having WMDs may have come out and prevented the catastrophy we have in Iraq today. Think of how many American soldiers would still be alive. Think of how many inocent Iraqis would still be alive. Just think about it...