Saturday, June 11, 2005


Well the dust is settling in the apartment from the move, so the b/f and I bolted. Farmer's Market this morning that was a bust due to the rain.

The real adventure's happened downtown. A bonafide downtown shopping district. The b/f even went with me into a cross stitching store. Musicians and goths (aka freaks according to the b/f) walking down the street. Yay! I live in a fun town. Then we tried a new sushi place. Hmmm. Sushi. Hmmmmm. Sushi burps.


Sawyer Pangborn said...

Perhaps your boyfriend could learn to appreciate some musicians, then :)

Karen said...

He appreciates musicians, one of his closest friends is a musicians (though he's a bit narrow in the music he'll listent to.) It's the goths that he doesn't understand.