Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Leaving on a Jetplane

The b/f is gone overnight on a business trip. I'm a bit torn. Sure, I had the remote control all night (which allowed me to watch the new Pride and Prejudice, the only good thing of which was Dame Judi Dench) and I don't have to hear him snoring. But I miss him. So does Jack. Nothing but incessant meowing all night. Apparently my lap isn't good enough.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sigh of Relief

My parents called to say they have heard from my brother and that he is safe.

Spring Is in the Air

Sure, the sun is shining bright, and there's only a hint of chill in the air. But there's only one real sign that spring is on the way.

I feel like cleaning.

When I was a child, my mom had to bribe, threaten, and conjole me to clean my room.

It only happened once a year.

I'd take pictures, just to prove that it was always messy.

I subscribe to organized chaos. Sure, there are piles of stuff everywhere. But I know exactly where to find things in the piles. I do have the occasional urge to clean, and right before spring is a prime time, because I love to open windows and air things out. I'm even thinking about buying a vacuum cleaner because the carpeting is starting to looking like hell. I think I might even want to break out a mop.

Then again, I just fixed up a chai with whipped cream on top. Definitely still winter then.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Please Say It Isn't So

Tonight, the b/f and I went out for dinner. As we worked on our entrees, we listened to our waitress at the next table.

"I'm sorry, tonight's my first night."

She fawned over that table as the joked with her about the bet that they had going on her age.


The one lesson that I've learned in retail is "Whatever the problem, it should never be an excuse." Basically, they don't want to know why things are going wrong, they want to hear how you are making things right. I like the professional air of this sentiment.

So when our waitress finally checked in on us, I was quick to point out that we needed refills.

My b/f informed that I was snippy. I concede that I was, but her service was subpar, she needed a sign so she'd learn, and that I was far from rude. He proceeded to inform me that I am frequently snippy with waitstaff once they make a mistake.

No, I'm not.

Am I?

Only once have I complained to a manager. If the service isn't good, I'm going to ask for what I want, and I occasionally might get snippy. But it is unheard of for me to become rude. He made it sound like I was "Snippy, the customer from hell." I do know one thing.

My glass didn't go empty for the rest of the meal. (And I was pleasant.)

Friday, February 24, 2006

I have spent the better part of the day doing exactly what I've been told not to, following the news of Iraq. I can't help but think this war has been one of most ill-advised and badly managed. Then again, I'm not a military expert. I am also smarter than the average bear and I can see the mistakes.

Sadly, I now worry about getting calls from my parents now because its far too easy for them to be calling with bad news.

Bush would have never joined the Air National Guard if they had been sending them to fight wars. It's a disagrace how he treats veterans and active members of the military. All for a war that had no credibility. If anyone knows of a countdown until the next president takes office, let me know.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Restless Nights

Last fall, when my brother reported for active duty, my mom started having problems with insomnia. I couldn't commiserate too much.

Tuesday night I got the call about deaths in his unit.

Last night, neither one of us slept well. We talked about it today. We didn't talk about the growing sectarian conflicts in Iraq. I don't think it would help either of us sleep better tonight. We just understand what each other is thinking now without saying it, and we find that people who don't have someone in the military just don't understand.

I still maintain, if I had won Powerball, we would have quit our jobs and become fulltime political activists.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tao & Trials

As many of you know, 2005 was not my year. So far, 2006 has been much better. Still there have been some bumps.

There's the joy of doing taxes, while trying to estimate your fire damages when all your receipts are destroyed.

There's the news that member's of your brother's unit have died in the line of duty.

Bush is still President for almost 3 years.

But I did finally get a really good book of Tao meditations, and while I'm not huge into the whole concept, the meditations sooth my spirit and bring to mind many teaching from my Catholic upbringing. Overall, it's very good for my mental health. Plus, there are so many good things going on.

My brother is still alive.

I have my health.

Cheney is making an idiot of himself.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


In another sign that 2006 will be much better than 2005, I had my one year review at work. Raise. Very good raise. I am now officially in my best paying job yet.