Monday, November 29, 2004

Winter Wonderland

Well, I've come to recognize that the tale of the move is turning out too long. I'll have to save it for a night curled up with the b/f's dsl, if it ever gets going. In the meantime...

I got my haircut. Really cut. 8 inches cut. The b/f was not please, but he didn't have to deal with the tangles. This afternoon I'm coloring it as a treat for my upcoming birthday. Plus, changing haircolor is a fun way to beat the blues.

We've already had our first snow since leaving California. We introduced the cat to snow. He wasn't that flustered until he was back inside and realized that his paws were wet. That got me a dirty look.

Anyway, must get going and prepare for a pseudo-not really job interview. More like networking. Still, I feel I shouldn't wear the ratty, comfortable clothing that I prefer and must strive to look like the professional I can be.

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