If you're just looking for images to be hosted externally from blogger, then I recommend photobucket.com I use them for my pics and they have proven pretty reliable.
I created a seprate Flickr account to host all the pictures that comprise my design. It's not as extensive as your design, but, I think it would still work. It's free for 200 pictures. And I LOVE it. And yes, I'm one of those dorks that now has a Flickr picture badge on my blog.
But, if you want to see the image hosting of the blog pictures, just email me and I'll send you the link.
If you're just looking for images to be hosted externally from blogger, then I recommend photobucket.com I use them for my pics and they have proven pretty reliable.
Meltwater. Torrents. Meanderings. Delta.
Could you not use photobucket? That's where I have my template served from.
since you use Blogger®, you probably should use them. by not using another host, you can save a couple seconds of uploading time to your viewers.
http://www.stickam.com/ or your ISP probably offers some sort of storage space.
Hi Karen, I use http://www.imageshack.us/ , I hope it works for you. Thanx for commenting on my blog!
Try photobucket. I think you can save 10,000 images :)
I love your blog so much & the design is woooow
this link will help:
Karen you might want to check with Luna Stone.
She may know.
You can find her in the SB in the evenings
I created a seprate Flickr account to host all the pictures that comprise my design. It's not as extensive as your design, but, I think it would still work. It's free for 200 pictures. And I LOVE it. And yes, I'm one of those dorks that now has a Flickr picture badge on my blog.
But, if you want to see the image hosting of the blog pictures, just email me and I'll send you the link.
you can try www.photobucket.com. they have free and pay accounts and i have never had a problem with them.
stumbled here via Blog explosion...
You could try this image hosting site http://imageshack.us/ or http://www.fileplanet.us/ good luck :)
photobucket.com or streamload.com
www.photobucket.com is a free service for hosting that i have used.
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