Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Return of Misc Karen

Well, I've learned an important lesson in the last month. When life gets crazy, one can easily lose the ability or the will to be an informed citizen. Much to my dismay, and my boyfriend's delight, I haven't had the time or energy to keep up with the news. It's been a bit of an adjustment back to myself, and compared to a lot of people, I've had it easy. I do however find myself praying again, due to a long list of people for which to pray.

Friday, September 09, 2005

The Post You'll Never See #1

I just went through the amazing process of writing a post about my month of August and the fantastically crappy day I had at work. Despite a remarkable lack of details, I still don't feel comfortable posting it because in this day and age, who wants to get fired for venting? It might have been a bad day, but I still like being employed at a job for which I am skilled and talented.

I can mention the one bit of personal information that I wrote. My brother is now gone on active duty. I can no longer watch the news without crying.