Sunday, May 22, 2005

By the Way...

I know that I have been a bad blogger. I'm going to be bad for at least a few weeks more. With insanity at work, the Blazer not working again, and a move in 10 days, I've got plenty on my plate right now. Don't consider it a sabbatical because I won't be working, but don't expect to hear from me until at least June 7.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Somebody Had It Worse

Well, I've started my run of 10 hour days at work. But the payoff will be Friday, when I have the day off and can head back to parents' place to spend a 3-day weekend with my mom for Mother's Day. It was long and exhausting (with a break for signing my lease). I was so happy to hop in the Blazer and head to the gas station before the trip home. Then it happened.


Girl in car is stopped at the back of a long line of cars at a light. Car full of boys pulls up behind her, going too fast for an intersection where everyone else is either going slow or stopped. Boy brakes at last second and swerves to right, hitting girl's car in back, right corner, spinning it 180 degress into oncoming traffic, where she almost gets rear-ended by tractor-trailor. Luckily, it wasn't me. But having witnessed it, I hung around to give the police a statement because if I was the girl, I would have wanted to kick the boy's ass.